Bradley Mosley.
There's something about the "team" aspect of basketball. If you play on a good team... whether just for one game on a playground, or for years in high school or college, or for a career in the pros, you're part of something that, in some small way, will never die.
If you are on a good team, that plays well together, but is overmatched... and believe me, I know that feeling real well... you got an opportunity to see what kind of man you are. If you can stand up to the challenge, and hold your own, perhaps you can inspire your teammates, and together, overcome adversity and beat the odds.
Bradley Mosley was on a good team that was overmatched. And he showed he was a hell of a man. I loved watching him play. He played on the 2003-04 team that went 1-15 in CUSA. There was something about that team that made me fall hard in love with the USF basketball program. They lost. They lost again. They lost again and again. But they never quit. And Mosley was, along with Terrence Leather, the best player on that team...
Bradley Mosley is no longer alive in the traditional sense. But I aint gonna say rest in peace... yet, cause i say he's got one more job to do.
Bradley Mosley, your job is to inspire your teammates. Stay right next to Coach McCullum. Don't let them forget how hard you fought. Yeah, you were always overmatched... but you never quit. Solly and company... Bradley Mosley's gonna be watching you. Make him proud.