Monday, August 01, 2005

JGLB Public Servant of the Month: Kevin White

Tommy has an excellent, award winning blog. This week, we are looking forward to big news about Tommy's blog. Please stay tuned.
Right now, we are gonna venture into Sticks of Fire's turf (local politics) just a bit... to name Tampa City Councilperson Kevin White our JGLB PUBLIC SERVANT OF THE MONTH for July.
Why? Read this article. When Councilperson White says, "I think we have put all the restrictions on Ybor nightclub owners that they can bear," I like what he's saying.
While Ybor ain't perfect, government regulation has helped... not at all. Do you agree, Tommy?
I can tell ya this: Ybor is safe, and it's still fun, as long as the JGLB is at the BLUE SHARK!